Thursday, February 25, 2016

100 Days Smarter

The 100th day of school fell after Valentine's Day this year due to all of the snow days we have had. I love this day, it's one of my favorites. One of the things that has made it even more fun is an app called "aging booth". I take the kiddos pictures and then the app ages them, it's absolutely hilarious, unless you do it to yourself. Ahhhh! I take their photos and then they write about what they think they'll be like or do when they are 100 years old. Their answers are always so precious and innocent.
Of course the 100th day of school is entirely centered around the number 100. We made a list of 100 things we would love to have and then of course 100 things we would not want. We could to 100 at least 100 times and we did a 100 rep work out challenge...that was fun!

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