In Kindergarten we reach for a lot of goals. We focus a lot on the small or big goals we have to meet by the end of the year. These are goals like knowing all of our letters, writing our first and last names, adding and subtracting, counting to 100, reading all of our sight words, etc. We had a discussion today about making BIG goals and how it's OK to start thinking now about what you want to be when you grow up and working already in Kindergarten toward that goal. You have to know your numbers before you can be a doctor, you have to know all of your letters before you can be a teacher, you have to be able to listen and follow directions before you can be a hockey player, you have to be able to follow all the rules before you can be a police officer. The kiddos are so exciting about setting these goals! We took pictures today to put up on a board as a reminder of their BIG goals while they were away on their little goals.
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