Monday, September 1, 2014

Ready or Not....

Here we go!! It's the night before the first day of Kindergarten! I am full of emotions; nervous, excited, anxious, elated, overwhelmed, but most of all I am full of gratitude. I am so grateful that I have this job, the best job in the world. I am so grateful to be teaching and shaping and impacting little people, sweet (I hope), naive, impressionable, curious, little people. I am so grateful that so many parents have trusted me with their worlds and allowed me the opportunity to create memories, teach lessons, reach for goals, and be the best we can be together in Kindergarten! THANK YOU!!!! 

Finally, from a mom (who will have a Kindergartener in 3 years) to all of my moms.... YOU DID IT!!!! Embrace tomorrow, be proud of the children you are sending off to Kindergarten and be excited about this year, the year you'll see them grow the most.

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