Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Few Skills Before Kindergarten

Here is a suggested list ( of things that will help your child be prepared for kindergarten. Work away at them throughout the summer and your child will have a great head start! Have fun! 

Personal and Social Development
Ties own shoelaces 
Blows own nose 
Zips own coat 
Takes care of their own bathroom needs
Approach to learning
Shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner
Persists in task and seeks help when encountering a problem
Is generally pleasant and cooperative
Follows rules and routines
Manages transitions (going from one activity to the next)
Demonstrates normal activity level
Interactions with Others
Interacts easily with one or more children
Interacts easily with familiar adults
Participates in group activities
Plays well with others
Takes turns and shares
Cleans up after play
Conflict Resolution
Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts
Uses words to resolve conflicts.                                                                                                          
 Language and Literacy
Listens with understanding to directions and conversations
Follows one-step directions
Follows two-step directions
Speaks clearly enough to be understood without contextual clues
Relates experiences with some understanding of sequences of events
Literature and Reading
Listens with interest to stories read aloud
Shows interest in reading-related activities
Retells information from a story
Sequences three pictures to tell a logical story
Uses pictures to communicate ideas
Uses scribbles, shapes, and letter-like symbols to write words or ideas
Alphabet Knowledge
Recites/sings alphabet
Matches upper-case letters
Matches lower-case letters
Identifies upper-case letters
Identifies lower-case letters
Mathematical Thinking
Patterns and Relationships
Sorts by color, shape, and size
Orders or seriates several objects on the basis of one attribute
Recognizes simple patterns and duplicates them
Number concept and operations
Rote counts to 20
Counts objects with meaning to 10
Matches numerals
Identifies by naming, numerals 0-10
Geometry and spatial relations
Identifies 4 shapes- circle, square, rectangle, triangle
Demonstrates concepts of positional/directional concepts (up/down, over/under, in/out, behind/in front of, beside/between, top/bottom, inside/outside, above/below, high/low, right/left, off/on, first/last, far/near, go/stop).
Shows understanding of and uses comparative words (big/little, large/small, short/long, tall/short, slow/fast, few/many, empty/full, less/more.
Physical Development
Gross-Motor Skills
Pedals and steers a tricycle
Jumps in place, landing on two feet
Jumps consecutively- 7 jumps
Balances on one foot for 5 seconds
Hops on one foot 2-3 hops
Hops on one foot- 6 ft.
Throws a ball with direction- 5 ft.
Catches a thrown ball with arms and body
Climbs a playground ladder
Skips smoothly for 20 feet
Fine-Motor Skills
Stacks 10, one-inch blocks
Strings 4 1/2″ beads in two minutes
Completes a seven piece interlocking puzzle
Makes a pancake, snake, and ball from play dough
Grasps pencil correctly
Copies: vertical line, horizontal line, circle, cross, square, V, triangle
Copies first name
Prints first name without a model
Grasps scissors correctly
Cuts within 1/4″ of a 6″ straight line on construction paper
Cuts out a 3″ square on construction paper
Cuts out a 3″ triangle on construction paper
Cuts out a 3″ circle on construction paper
Uses a glue stick appropriately
Uses appropriate amount of glue for tasks
The Arts
Creative Arts
Identifies 10 colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink
Uses a variety of art materials for tactile experience and exploration
Participates in group music experiences
Participates in creative movement/dance
Creative Dramatics
Makes believe with objects
Takes on pretend roles and situations

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