Thursday, February 16, 2017

Science Experiment

We had so much fun today learning about the impact that incline has on speed. We learned that if we increased the incline the speed of our Hot Wheels car would go faster. We even had Officer Lorne in here with his laser speed detector to help us track our data.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Global School Play Day

We celebrated Global School Play Day on Feb. 2 in our class. Global School Play Day is a movement to bring back creative and exploratory play in the classroom. I asked students to bring in a game or a toy to share with the class. We had plenty of board games and that was the big hit! We had some students playing house, others playing dress up, others building but mostly students were learning new games. It was great to be able to come together and discuss problems that were occurring and how to solve those problems. Students practiced following rules, taking turns, being fair, etc. It was so wonderful to see other kids teaching friends how to play games. This is my favorite day of the whole year and I think that the students would agree.