Monday, January 25, 2016

Mad Scientists

We have started our science fair project with Ms. Kent. The students are so excited because it's all about Hot Wheels! We are going to be making predictions as to how far and how fast a car will go based on the incline of the track. We are also going to be making a mega track...Ms. Kent has a plan, and we can't wait!
 Ms. Kent is introducing the topic that we are going to be exploring and informing the kiddos that it includes HOT WHEELS!!! 

Our little scientists at work, making their predictions as to how far and how fast the Hot Wheels car will go. 

We also had a visit on Thursday from our friend Ms. Andrea from Life Span. She comes in once a month to teach us about fruits and vegetables. On this day we learned about root vegetables and we got to taste purple carrots. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

A Peek At Our Week

We have just jumped right back into things the last two weeks back to school. It's amazing to me every year the amount of growth they show after Christmas. They are all so excited to read and get better at it, it makes me so excited for them! They are also writing stories like you would not believe! Be on the look out for an invitation to our next Writer's Celebration.

So here we are learning Yoga in P.E. class! They are getting so good at it and are just absolutely loving it! You should ask them to teach you some moves.

Here they are enjoying some time in the snow! 

On Thursday we did a lot of measuring with Unifix cubes. The last task was to measure how tall our table captains were in cubes. This allowed us to practice team work, practice our counting, and work on our measuring skills. So fun!