Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Riverview PTO does so much for our school, our kids, and our teachers. It would be a great group for you to get involved in. It's a wonderful way to meet new families and get involved in our school. They are always searching for volunteers and voices! If you are on Facebook please join the "Riverview PTO Big Rapids" page to get tons of information and updates. Otherwise you are welcome to contact the group by talking to Mrs. Horvath in the school office, she would be able to answer all of your questions or point you in the right direction. 

Meet Your Teacher

Hi! My name is Mrs. Scheible and I am going to be your Kindergarten teacher! This will be my 5th year teaching Kindergarten at Riverview but my 9th year teaching total. I love Kindergarten and all the exploring, learning and fun we get to have!
I am currently working on my Master's degree in Educational Technology and I am loving everything that I am learning. I can't wait to introduce all of the things I have learned to you and your families.
I grew up in a small town in Ontario, Canada and I absolutely love to go home and visit. My three sisters, two nieces, two nephews, and parents still live there.
This summer I got to spend a lot of time with my 3 1/2 year old son Rowan, my 17 month old son Grady and my husband Nick. We played a lot outside, went swimming, and  went on a few long road trips.  

I am excited to spend the next year learning with you!

Food: anything chocolate, but especially with nuts and caramel
Book: Love You Forever and all the other Robert Muncsh books 
Drink: Coffee and water  
Color: Green 
Season: Fall 
Hobbies: Golfing, blogging, concerts, boating and being outside