Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rock Star Writers

I say it all the time to the kids, but my parents don't get to hear it enough. Our kids are ROCK STAR WRITERS!! It is amazing to me how well they are writing this early on in Kindergarten. Many of them are writing multiple projects a week and are producing work that I wouldn't expect to see until the later part of the school year. I am just so incredibly proud of them. Here is a picture of two friends doing their "pair share".

Winter is Here!

Can you believe that we are already having to dress for the cold and snow? I feel like this has crept  up on us so quickly. In fact, October and November have flown by. Mrs. Miller came up with this wonderful idea, clips on magnets to hang our wet mittens on our lockers. How genius!? Thank you to Mrs. Jessica Scholz (Brayden's mom) for supplying us with all of the materials.