Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Fun

Today was the big day! Our first class party...Halloween style. :)We had so much fun doing Halloween themed centers.  We made slime, glow in the dark trick or treat bags, spider webs and had YUMMY snacks. Then this afternoon, the rain didn't ruin our parade...we got to march through the school and show off our costumes. What a fun (exhausting) day. :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

What all Kindergarten Teachers Want Parents to Know

I found this great article online tonight and thought I would share. It's still early enough in the year that these habits at home can be formed.

BRHS Marching Band Concert

The marching band came to Riverview this week to give us a concert. My Kinders were so entertained. Here is a picture of a few of them giving their undivided attention during one of the songs. 

Halloween Writing

This week we started our first big writing project. We got to pretend to be Halloween witches and write about what we would put in our brew. We have these hanging up in the hallway outside of our classroom. If you get a chance in the next week to come in, please stop and read them, they're full of many different, great ideas!

Grandma B

For those of you that don't know our Grandma she is!!! She is amazing and super wonderful with our kids. She spends a lot of time in our classroom helping us learn and grow. She is one truly dedicated, loyal person. If you ever get a chance to meet her please thank her for all she does. Our classroom would not be what it is without her.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In the News

Look at our sweet, spirited friends, they made the news...again!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Early Release Friday

We had our first "early release Friday" last week. I know some parents are questioning the purpose of those days that occur the first Friday of every month. The goal (and this is the first year, so we may need to tweak some things next year) is to minimize the amount of time teachers are out of their classrooms, therefore increasing teacher/student time and decreasing the amount of money that the district pays to hire substitute teachers. Not being out of the classroom as much will be a help to the teachers and more importantly the students. The state of Michigan requires teachers to participate in school improvement planning which involves monthly meetings, these are now taking place during our early release Fridays. We are also required to meet with our district grade levels which is also now, for the most, taking place during those early release Fridays.
I hope this clears up any questions that you might have.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Anderson Girls Orchard

We had a TON of fun on our field trip today to the apple orchard. We got to eat donuts and fresh apple cider. We saw how apple cider is made in the cider mill. We fed the incredibly hungry goats and saw a ton of very unique animals. We also loved our wagon ride out into the orchard where we got to pick our own juicy apples and search for our very own funny looking gourds. Thank you to all of the parents that helped make today so fun and special. YOU ROCK!!!